Plastic surgery is a surgical specialty that is used both to improve a person’s appearance or to reconstruct defects in facial and body tissues caused by disease, accident, or birth disorders.
I graduated as a surgeon from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá, Colombia and specialized in Aesthetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery at the Hospital de San José, Fundación Universitaria Ciencias de la Salud, which is one of the oldest training programs in Plastic Surgery in the country.
I have been dedicated to my private practice as a certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon for more than 20 years and I collaborate as a volunteer in the Fundación Operación Sonrisa Colombia doing surgeries for the people in need. I am a member of the Colombian Society of Plastic Surgery and the Ibero-Latin American Federation of Plastic Surgery (FILACP). I specialize in all aspects of cosmetic surgery including face and body.
I have at your disposal different methods and techniques to manage each area of your face and thus improve its general harmony. It does not matter if it is about your ears, eyelids, chin, or if you simply want to refresh your face and improve some signs of tiredness or the passing of the years.
Some of the things that my patients appreciate the most about me are my kind treatment, the time I dedicate to them in each of their consultations, my excellent professional ethics and of course the excellent and very natural surgical results that I obtain always taking special care with every detail of the surgeries and keeping into consideration the desires of each of my patients.
During your first appointment I will take the necessary time to understand your desires and together make a treatment plan that achieves the best possible results. I believe that we all want to look and feel our best, and that many times this can be achieved simply with a skin noninvasive treatment or sometimes with a major surgery.
I love what I do, and I love being part of the positive changes in my patients.
Member of the Colombian Society of Plastic Surgery (SCCP).
Member of the Ibero-Latin American Federation of Plastic Surgery (FILACP).
Surgeon from the Javeriana University Bogotá, Colombia.
Aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgeon at the Hospital de San José, Fundación Universitaria Ciencias de la Salud, Bogotá, Colombia.
Languages: Spanish, English, and French.
This procedure seeks to reposition the facial tissues (eyebrows, cheeks, neck) after their natural decline caused by the passing of the years to generate an effect of a fresher and more rested face. When I refer to facelift, I am including the three facial segments: upper (eyebrows), middle (cheeks) and lower (neck). Each of these segments can be treated separately when the patient does not require management of all three.
The rhytidoplasty is performed by stretching the different tissues of the face placing special emphasis on the deep tissues (muscle), to obtain a natural result that does not look operated. I as well combine other techniques with this surgery such as fat grafting (to replace lost volume) or CO2 laser “smoothing” techniques (which improve the skin’s surface) to achieve rejuvenation on all areas of the face.
Rhytidoplasty is carried out under general anesthesia and the patient must stay overnight in the hospital or be cared for at the hotel by a qualified nurse.
In the postoperative period the patient should sleep in a semi-sitting position and take the prescribed medications. I also recommend placing cold compresses on the treated areas during the first 48 hours to reduce inflammation and if it is the case bruises.
The average disability is from ten to fifteen days (time in which in most patients the inflammation has gone down enough as well as the bruises) stronger physical activities (gym or exercise) can be started after a month. It is a safe operation in which the major complications are reduced to bruising or ecchymosis and numbness of the scalp. During the pre-surgical assessment, we will discuss all other possible minor and major complications.
En el postoperatorio debes dormir en posición semisentada y tomar los medicamentos recetados. También recomiendo colocarse compresas frías en las zonas tratadas durante las primeras 48 horas para disminuir la inflamación, y si es el caso los morados.
With this technique I seek to place the eyebrows in a more harmonious position, whether they have fallen over time or due to family characteristics they do not have an adequate position. This technique also allows me to improve the wrinkles that are present on the forehead (horizontal) and between the eyebrows (vertical).
Some of the main advantages of this technique are its minimal incisions, fast recovery and obtaining a very natural result.
It is a surgery that can be performed under general or local anesthesia with sedation. The technique consists of using an endoscope (a device with a very small camera connected to a television screen) which is inserted through small incisions located in the scalp, so that under direct vision (transmitted by the camera to the screen of a television) I can safely separate the forehead tissues (protecting blood vessels and nerves that I might not otherwise be able to see) and reposition the brows to a more suitable location for the patient’s face. As a result, a rejuvenation of the upper third of the face is obtained after repositioning all the sagging and wrinkled tissues due to ageing or genetic factors of each patient.
During the postoperative period, I recommend sleeping in a semi-sitting position for 48 to 72 hours and placing cold compresses on the forehead and eyes to reduce inflammation. The disability period is eight to twelve days to return to work and one month to start more vigorous exercise.
The purpose of this surgery is to improve (stretch) the area of the cheeks, which decreases over the years generating marked furrows on the sides and sides of the lips (nasogenial furrows), bulges on the side of the chin (jawls), and wrinkles and flaccidity in the lower skin of them.
It can be part or not of the rhytidoplasty or be combined only with the correction of the neck or forehead.
It is an outpatient procedure that I perform under general anesthesia or sedation. When the descent is slight and an endoscopic frontoplasty is going to be performed, a gentle facelift can be performed by entering through the temporal incisions (located on the sides) of it. When greater handling is required, incisions must be made that start from the hair located towards the temporal region (temple), which descend in front of and inside the ear to end up surrounding the lobe. Through this route, the deep tissues are exposed to the skin (including the muscles) and are resuspended correcting their descent.
The disability period varies between 10 to 15 days, physical exercises can be resumed after a month.
The flaccidity and wrinkles that begin to appear on the neck over time deteriorating its tissues are clear and evident signs of the passage of time. Although these are natural changes, it is an area that is especially affected in the aesthetic sense since it is thinner skin than that of the face and a region where fat can accumulate significantly drastically affecting the appearance of the face. An intervention that is carried out on the face, whose purpose is to achieve a more youthful appearance will not fulfill its objective if the neck shows marked signs of old age. In these cases, I recommend performing a facelift or neck lift to generate a complete effect and have better results.
This is a procedure that is performed under general anesthesia or sedation, it consists of performing a correction stretching inn the platysma muscle, and the removal of excess skin that may be in the area.
The neck lift may or may not be part of a larger procedure on the face (eg a rhytidoplasty). During the postoperative period, you should use a chin guard (circular girdle on the head and neck) which will help reduce inflammation in the area and help the skin adhere gently to the muscle.
The average disability is eight to twelve days.
One of the most noticeable facial features are the eyes. In them we can perceive many emotions: sadness, anger, joy, tiredness, etc. Some characteristics such as the bulging of the eyelids, dark circles or excess skin on the upper eyelids may be capable of dramatically modify the expression and appearance of a face. Therefore, blepharoplasty is the technique that arises as a response to correct these aesthetic details that in some cases can be very noticeable and annoying for some patients.
This surgery is performed under general anesthesia, sedation, or in some cases with local anesthesia. It is an outpatient surgery; this means that the patient can go home after the anesthesia recovery period in the clinic. During this procedure excess skin and fat are removed from the upper and/or lower eyelids, leaving almost invisible scars in the upper eyelid crease and/or on the lower eyelash rim.
During the postoperative period I recommend sleeping in a semi-sitting position for 48 to 72 hours and placing cold compresses on the eyes to reduce inflammation.
The disability period is seven to ten days to return to work and one month to start more vigorous exercise.
The age from which this operation can be performed ranges from 16 to 18 years old, although I prefer to wait for full facial development, both in men and women, that is, after 18 years old. Children and adolescents younger than this range must wait until facial growth is complete.
This is one of the surgeries that I enjoy doing the most and is also one of the most complex in our practice as plastic surgeons. Its main objective is to modify the size and/or shape of the nose, which is achieved by reducing the enlarged portions and/or increasing the small ones to achieve an aesthetic balance in accordance with the rest of the facial features. Thinning a nose that is too wide, shortening a very long one, sharpening a very thick tip or correcting a deviation present in it, can give the face a more harmonious appearance and in certain cases greater functionality.
Rhinoplasty is an outpatient surgery that I perform under general anesthesia. Generally, most of the incisions are located inside the nose, on some occasions, when the nasal wings must be narrowed, small incisions are required that remain localized on the nasal floor to the inside of the nasal wings. I always tell the patient during the pre-surgical visit the location of the scars and whether external incisions are required.
The patient’s skin type will directly influence the appearance of the result. For example, thin, elastic skins are better suited to work on cartilage and bone as opposed to thick skins where recovery time can take longer. Thus, it is important to know that the thicker the skin, the longer it will take for the nose to reach the result (approximately one year).
In the postoperative period you will have to use skin-colored tapes on your nose for a month (I change them once or twice a week) and an aquaplast splint (like a plaster) for fifteen days.
The disability is seven days to start working and one month to start physical exercise.
Mentoplasty is a surgery that seeks to increase and give a better definition to the chin area. This procedure is occasionally combined with nose surgery or double chin liposuction to give a good contour to the profile of the face and jaw region.
This procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, under local or general anesthesia. The incision is located inside the mouth and the size and shape of the implant will depend on the pre-surgical evaluation. The stitches that go inside the mouth are not removed, they will dissolve and fall on their own as the days go by.
In the postoperative period you will have a Micropore bandage around the chin for eight days and you must protect the points inside your mouth by rinsing after each meal and before going to bed.
Bichat’s fat bags located on both sides of the face are responsible for lubricating chewing movements; They are located between the masseter muscle and the buccinator muscle.
Some patients have very round faces despite having an adequate weight, for this case this will be the surgery of choice.
During this procedure I do a small incision inside the cheek, and I extract a portion of the Bichat bags, later obtaining an outline of the face, thus highlighting the cheekbones and the mandibular ridge.
This surgery can be performed under local anesthesia or sedation and lasts 20 to 30 minutes.
In the postoperative period you will have a little swelling in the cheeks during the first week. To notice the result, you must wait two to three months since it depends on the healing of the internal tissues of the cheek
This is a frequently performed procedure, many times it is part of a liposculpture in other areas of the body, although it can also be performed as a single procedure. By removing the accumulations of submental fat, a better definition is given to the neck and jaw angle and a finer appearance to the face. The success of the procedure lies in a good retraction of the skin so that the neck is properly defined and without excess skin. In cases where it is considered that you are not a candidate for this procedure (because the neck area could be left flaccid), a cervicoplasty can surely be performed.
It is an outpatient surgery that can be performed under sedation or general anesthesia.
During the postoperative period you should use a chin guard (belt for this area) for as long as possible for a week and all month to sleep
Otoplasty or ear surgery is a surgical technique through which the aesthetic alteration commonly called “screen ears” can be corrected, which consists of having very large and especially prominent ears. This is such a notable trait that it can affect the self-esteem of both children and adolescents as well as adults. The most indicated age from which this surgery can be carried out is seven years, considering that at this age the growth of the ears has been carried out almost completely.
Otoplasty is performed on an outpatient basis, under general anesthesia. In adult patients who want it, it can be done under local anesthesia. The marks of the operation are not visible as the incisions are hidden in the groove behind the ears. To correct its appearance, I will make some internal points and I will weaken some areas of the cartilage of the ear to be able to modify it.
Once the operation is done, you must remain with a bandage around your head, which will cover your ears to protect them and thus control inflammation. This bandage is removed after the third or fourth postoperative day, while the stitches will be removed after eight to ten days.
After the bandage is removed, you must use a protection band (balaca) around the ears until completing fifteen days of the postoperative period and continue using it at night when sleeping until completing one month.
This is a procedure that seeks to place the eyebrows in a more pleasant position for the patient. The eyebrows have different shapes; in some people the lateral portion is lowered from a very young age, in some other cases the patients simply want to change the shape a bit and in other cases, over the years, the eyebrows descend, making the person look more tired, cranky, or older. This is a surgery that, although simple, presents excellent results, since with it, not only is it possible to place the eyebrows in a better position, but it also gives the entire face a fresher and more rested look eliminating horizontal furrows of the forehead and the vertical furrows that form between them which cause the appearance of being upset.
This surgery is performed endoscopically, this means with the help of a small camera, thus avoiding large incisions. It is carried out under general anesthesia or with sedation and is an outpatient procedure. The position obtained in the eyebrows is fixed with the help of some internal points; Also, during the intervention, the muscles in charge of wrinkling the eyebrows are weakened (when vertical lines are formed between both eyebrows, which generally denotes a bad temper). Once the surgery is finished, the wounds are closed, drains are left (to avoid bruising, which are accumulations of blood under the treated area) and a circular bandage is placed.
The patient will remain with a circular bandage on his head for two days, after which it will be removed, as well as the drains. The forehead will remain with a Micropore bandage until completing 7 postoperative days. During the first week some bruises and inflammation will be observed, which will gradually decrease. During the second week the stitches are removed, and the use of makeup can be started to camouflage the bruises if they have not yet disappeared. After 15 to 20 days, normal activities can be resumed.
It is a very safe surgery, but certain complications can occur, such as:
• Hematoma (accumulation of blood under the treated area)
• Prolonged ecchymosis (long-lasting bruises)
• Numbness of the scalp
• Slight asymmetries
This surgery is intended for those patients who feel that their breasts are too large, either for physical or cosmetic reasons. Women who undergo this procedure say they feel lighter, freer and, many of them, with improvement in pain that they had in both the neck and back. They also take great satisfaction in being able to wear new styles of clothing and swimwear that they have avoided in the past.
When this procedure is performed, not only is excess skin and breast tissue removed, but the breast is also repositioned superiorly and blends in with the rest of the body contour. It is a surgery aimed at patients who are within a wide range of ages, from very young patients, who have already completed their development, to old patients, tired with the weight and size of their breasts.
I perform this surgery on an outpatient basis, meaning you leave the clinic after recovering from surgery with general anesthesia. When it comes to reductions, I generally use the same technique in which there will be incisions around the areola, a vertical one that goes down from it to the crease and a horizontal one hidden under the breast crease.
This is a surgery that involves very bearable, low pain. You must wear a post-op bra for the next two months.
The disability is not very long, you can resume your work (if it does not involve physical effort) after seven days. Physical activities, with adequate breast support, after one month. The final size and shape can be observed after the third week. As for scars, it is important to know that they improve a lot with the passage of time and that there are some methods, such as lasers and topical products that help a lot to optimize their quality.
This is a surgery that not only seeks to increase the size of the breasts, but also to give them a more rounded, defined, and sexier shape. Women who seek breast augmentation usually do so due to dissatisfaction with their size. This discomfort may be present from your youth or may be the result of loss of size and/or firmness of your breasts after pregnancy, weight loss or the passage of time. There is also a group of women who wish to have an increase due to the presence of asymmetries in their breasts.
The choice of the size of the implants is very important to me. We do this in my office, using testers that will allow you to see how you would look with the different sizes of implants available. I will always advise you, but the final decision is yours… remember what is big for you can be small for me and vice versa!
This is an outpatient surgery, when you recover from anesthesia, generally after three hours, you go to your home or hotel. I perform it under general anesthesia, and it lasts from one and a half to two hours.
This surgery seeks to place the breasts, which have fallen due to genetics, pregnancy, weight loss or the passage of time, in a better position. It is a procedure that I occasionally associate with a breast implant when the patient wants to maintain the same breast volume or increase it.
It is an outpatient procedure that is performed under general anesthesia. During this, thanks to the resection of excess skin, and a series of sutures that place the descended mammary gland in a new position I manage to improve the shape and position of the breasts. Depending on what we have decided in the pre-surgical evaluation, an implant will be placed or not (when seeking to increase or maintain the volume of the breasts). The scars resulting from this procedure vary greatly, since in small pexies, with little excess skin, the scar may be limited around the areola or, in larger ones and with little skin elasticity, they may surround the areola, descend from it to the groove and occasionally there may be a horizontal scar in it.
During the first two months post-op, you will need to wear a medical support bra. The first days you will have some bruises and the breasts will be quite inflamed. After about three to five days, simple daily activities that do not require strength or physical exertion can be started. During the first three months, the breasts will settle into a more natural position, sensitivity will return, and the scars will begin to improve.
Abdominal lipectomy, or abdominoplasty, is a major surgical procedure that seeks the removal of excess skin and fat from the abdomen, as well as the placement of a series of points between the rectus abdominis muscles, these points are intended to recreate the waist and create an internal “girdle” that produces a flatter abdomen. This procedure can dramatically improve a bulging, stretched and/or sagging abdomen, but it must be considered that as part of the procedure a scar remains in the lower abdomen, which will vary in length depending on the amount of tissue to be removed. Generally, this scar extends from hip to hip, having the advantage of being hidden under most underwear and two-piece and one-piece bathing suits.
The best candidates for this surgery are men and women with fat deposits in their abdomen associated with skin and abdominal flaccidity. In this group are women who, after one or more children, lose the elasticity of their skin and abdominal muscles, conditions that are impossible to recover even with diet or exercise. Some patients do not have fatty accumulations in the abdomen, but they do have significant flaccidity of skin and/or muscles, making the procedure necessary.
Patients who plan to have more children should postpone surgery, since after this the approximation of the abdominal muscles will be lost due to the increase in abdominal volume that occurs during pregnancy. Also, since the skin is warm again after a lipectomy, more stretch marks can appear when it is stretched again.
I prefer to perform this surgery under general anesthesia, I usually associate it with liposculpture to achieve a circumferential change in the trunk and an adequate harmony with the other areas of the body. In the postoperative period you must stay one night in the clinic or in some selected cases you can go home with a nurse at my service.
You will need to wear a compression garment every day, all day for the first two months and then I recommend wearing a bodysuit with a lighter compression until the sixth month during the day. In the cases in which I only perform the lipectomy, you do not require postoperative massages, when I combine it with liposculpture yes.
You must have fifteen days of disability. (Not to remain lying down or in absolute rest, but so that you can recover with peace of mind). You can start cardiovascular exercise after the first month, and other types of exercises, taking special care not to perform exercises that involve abdominal strength before three to four months have passed.
Currently, there are many men and women who would like to improve some areas with fat deposits, which remain even after dieting and exercising; Liposculpture offers them a means to get rid of these fatty deposits and achieve a better body contour. With this procedure, body fat is removed from problem areas (arms, abdomen, hips, back, legs or face) with the help of very thin cannulas. It is best to treat the entire body contour during surgery, except in rare cases where there is an abnormal fat accumulation affecting a single area.
Not all patients are candidates for liposculpture. Patients must be at an adequate weight, meaning they can be somewhat overweight, but never obese. It is also very important that they know that the results depend to a large extent on the quality and elasticity of the skin; the more flaccidity, the less good the result can be. This flaccidity may be present due to genetic factors, significant weight loss or previous pregnancies.
I perform the surgery on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia. The incisions are very small and can be easily hidden in any swimsuit. With the help of a very thin hollow cannula, the different areas to be treated are suctioned. Today we have different adjuvant techniques available, there is laser (laserlipolysis), vaser (pulsed ultrasound) and vibro liposuction. All patients can benefit from these different techniques since they generate less trauma to the treated tissues, which translates into less inflammation, less pain and recovery time.
During your consultation we will assess the ideal technique for your case, and I will tell you about all of them. An additional benefit is that they generate greater skin retraction in the postoperative period (compared to traditional liposuction), producing less flaccidity in the tissues.
At the end of the surgery, you leave with the compression garment already in place. Under the girdle, in the abdominal and back area, I use a foam. These two elements must be used during the first postoperative month all day, they are only removed to bathe and perform physical therapies. After the first week, you can start daily activities that do not require significant physical effort.
During the second week, the swelling will decrease significantly, as will the discomfort associated with the procedure. After the first month, you can already see eighty percent of the result. It will take three to four months for the skin to return to its initial condition, but slight changes in skin texture and quality continue to occur for up to eight to nine months. During the first weeks, you must undergo a series of postoperative therapies that are intended to help you reduce inflammation faster and combat areas hardened by the procedure. The strip should remain with the foam for a month, all day. The second month, you will use it during the day and without foam, with a lined table, specially designed for this procedure. At the end of the third month, you will almost be able to see the result, but remember that the skin continues to change, reduce inflammation and resume its normal characteristics for at least five to six more months.
This procedure basically consists of a type of liposuction like the traditional one but focused on marking the abdominal muscles to generate an impression of definition and firmness in the muscle mass. Also known as “lipomarking” or “high-definition lipolysis”, with this technique I seek to recreate the abdominal musculature in women, abdominal and pectoral muscles in men to generate a natural appearance of developed muscle mass. It is important to clarify that not all patients meet the characteristics to carry out this procedure.
Candidates for this liposculpture are those with normal weight, and whose fatty deposits are light to moderate in the abdominal area. In addition, the quality of the skin must be very good since the result also depends on its retraction after surgery. After the operation, it is necessary that you maintain adequate stability in your weight, since marked weight changes cause negative effects on the skin, such as changes in elasticity and adherence. If you do some physical exercise, especially in the abdominal region, the results will be maximized.
The postoperative period is handled in the same way as a traditional liposculpture. At the end of the surgery, you leave with the compression garment already in place. Under the girdle, in the abdominal and back area, I use a foam. These two elements must be used during the first postoperative month all day, they are only removed to bathe and perform physical therapies. After the first week, you can start daily activities that do not require significant physical effort.
During the second week, the swelling will decrease significantly, as will the discomfort associated with the procedure. After the first month, you can already see eighty percent of the result. It will take three to four months for the skin to return to its initial condition, but slight changes in skin texture and quality continue to occur for up to eight to nine months. During the first weeks, you must undergo a series of postoperative therapies that are intended to help you reduce inflammation faster and combat areas hardened by the procedure. The strip should remain with the foam for a month, all day. The second month, you will use it during the day and without foam with a lined table, specially designed for this procedure.
At the end of the third month, you will almost be able to see the result, but remember that the skin continues to change, reduce inflammation, and resume its normal characteristics for at least five to six more months.
What is gynecomastia? It is an alteration that produces an increase in breast volume in men. It occurs for hormonal reasons, the intake of certain drugs or medications (marijuana, steroids, alcohol), due to weight gain or, on many occasions, for unknown causes. It can occur from a very early age and generally produces great aesthetic discomfort in affected men, especially when it comes to wearing a bathing suit.
This procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and preferably under general anesthesia. Depending on the findings derived from the physical examination, management with VASER liposculpture, direct resection of the glandular tissue, or a combination of the above can be performed. In the case of using lipo selection (VASER), lipolysis of the fat cells present in the breast tissue is carried out, leaving only two incisions smaller than one centimeter on the periphery of the areola. The extraction of fatty tissue is carried out with the help of thin cannulas that suck it in thanks to the assistance of a machine that generates a vacuum. When a more aggressive approach is required, an incision is made in the lower half of the areola and through this the excess glandular tissue is removed.
The patient should use a compression vest in the first postoperative month. It is normal to see some bruising and inflammation in the area, which will disappear over the course of the first two weeks. Normal activities, which do not require great physical effort, can be resumed after five to eight days. After one month, the patient can resume all normal activities.
Possible complications, although rare, include:
• Skin lesion
• Bleeding
• Hematoma (accumulation of blood under the skin)
• Seroma (accumulation of fluid under the skin)
• Wound dehiscence (opening of the entrance wound)
Sometimes you can find changes in skin color, temporary loss of sensitivity or a slight asymmetry.
The buttocks are a very important area in human anatomy and in body harmony. When the patient feels that projection is needed in that area, this surgery is indicated.
In my opinion, this is currently the only surgery that allows us to significantly increase gluteal volume without major health risks.
In cases in which the patient wants a moderate increase and her physical characteristics allow it (fatty accumulations are found in the hips and thighs that allow an adequate carving of the gluteal area), a liposculpture can be performed accompanied by lipo transference – gluteal lipo injection-, obtaining very good results. In my case, I only place this fat in a supramuscular plane (that is, under the skin, within the fatty tissue itself), with very thin cannulas, to avoid complications associated with its intramuscular placement.
When in the pre-surgical assessment, we decide that the best solution for the contour of this area are gluteal implants, an adequate physical examination must be done to assess its dimensions and choose an appropriate implant that can be covered by the entire buttock muscle, as this is very important for the final aesthetic result.
This operation is carried out under regional or general anesthesia. The prosthesis to be implanted, which can be of a different shape and size depending on the case, is inserted through a small incision that is made at the level of the intergluteal fold, in an intermuscular plane in the gluteus maximus muscle.
Normally a drain is left to help eliminate liquids, which can be located around the implant, significantly improving postoperative pain.
Among the general indications for the days following the procedure are the use of a compression garment or lycra for 4 to 6 weeks and avoid sitting or lying on the prostheses for 10 days, since the pressure can promote the intergluteal wound to open. You can start normal activity after twelve to fifteen days and physical exercise, which does not include squats or “lunges” (directed specifically to the buttocks), after one month and all kinds of exercise after three months.
The calves are an essential part in the harmony of the legs in both men and women. Calves with sufficient muscle mass and definition will drastically improve their appearance. In women and men with little development of these, calf implants are the ideal alternative to obtain more defined calves. Calf implants will help you achieve the desired legs, helping to balance the image of the whole body.
It is an outpatient operation that lasts approximately one hour, during which the implants will be inserted through incisions in the natural creases behind the knees. These implants will be placed in a space located in the upper internal part of the leg. The incision is closed with sutures, and some bandages will protect it from swelling and discomfort.
Ordinary activities can be resumed after a few days, while activities that require great vigor and physical effort cannot be resumed until two months later.
When a patient has undergone a mastectomy due to cancer, she may be exposed to emotional and psychological shock at seeing her incomplete body; especially if it is about women who care a lot about their image. This can have negative consequences for their self-esteem and their lifestyle, so finding positive alternatives to help them cope with the acceptance process also becomes a job for the doctor. One of these alternatives is breast reconstruction, which is performed surgically to help the patient recover her image and her breasts trying to restore her original shape and size.
The operation is performed under general anesthesia, and the reconstruction can be carried out with the help of a prosthesis, an expander, or a flap. The reconstruction can be carried out during the same session in which the mastectomy is performed, but it can also be left for a later time; although regardless of when it is, reconstructed breasts do not interfere with chemotherapies or treatments against the disease.
Reconstructive surgery for cleft lip and palate, or cleft lip, is indicated for those people who were born with this defect and can correct it in time, thus avoiding later difficulties in children during breastfeeding, feeding, and speaking. During the procedure, the surgeon will fix the tissues and sew up the lip, using small sutures. These sutures will be absorbed into the tissue as the scar heals, so there is no need to remove them later.
This reconstructive operation is best done when the child is between 9 months and 1 year old, which allows the palate to change as the baby grows. Doing it on time will help them prevent all kinds of complications and disadvantages during their development process.
In the world of plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery, injuries caused by trauma or burns have a place of special attention, as they are one of the main reasons why patients seek the help of a surgeon specialized in this area. Burns can leave very noticeable marks on the body, which over time can be hard to fade. However, by applying the proper surgical techniques, scars and burn marks can be softened or removed, so that the person’s skin can return to its pre-injury appearance.
Additionally, there are other alternative methods available for scar management, such as mechanical dermabrasion and some ablative lasers. After an assessment appointment and the respective examinations to evaluate the conditions of each patient, as well as the location of the injury or injuries and the type of scar, the most appropriate technique to be used will be determined. After the operation, during the postoperative period the sutures will be removed, sheets or silicone patches will be used on the residual scar to attenuate it with its continuous application for several weeks and after that the patient will be able to show off skin with a better look.
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